From Baby Food to Family Food



This course is about helping you transition to a much more positive & effective approach to feeding in a way that puts your baby in the lead, and focuses on building a positive relationship with food and a trust-based relationship with you at the table. This creates the strongest base for a happy healthy relationship with eating for the rest of their childhood and beyond!

What will you learn?

  1. How to progress with textures from where you’re at to regular family foods
  2. The principles behind a baby-led approach, and how to implement it
  3. All the nutritional requirements you need to know as your baby becomes a toddler.
  4. The safety checklist that’ll keep your mind at ease
  5. How to serve the different types of foods, including our traditional foods, through visual examples
  6. Schedules, portions, and the milk/food balance.
  7. How to teach baby to use utensils, cups and self-feed effectively.
  8. Check-list of all the little things that make a difference in baby’s experience, from the tools to the environment
  9. The 4 golden rules that will help you avoid picky-eating later

Resources you will recieve

The When and Where

When: Friday 16 February and Saturday 17 February at 11am Beirut/ 1pm Dubai

Where: Live online workshop via Zoom

How long: Each workshop is 2hrs long, including interactive Q&A

Will it be recorded? YES! The whole thing will be recorded if the time isn’t perfect for you & will be available for replay for 2 weeks.